Most people are familiar with annual financial reviews, but when was the last time you gave your health the same level of attention? A regular Health Risk Assessment can be as essential as a wealth check-in, ensuring you’re well-prepared for life’s uncertainties.

More than a doctor’s visit

An annual health check-in goes beyond a typical primary care visit. It’s about evaluating your entire health ecosystem, including:

  • Insurance coverage: Do you have the right insurance for emergencies, chronic care, or specialized treatments? Consider whether your policy covers cutting-edge therapies, international care, or telehealth services.

  • Medical team: Are you connected to the best healthcare providers for your unique needs? And even more important, does your care need better coordination? This includes connecting specialists, a concierge doctor, or mental health professionals who align with your care preferences. An expert health advisor can help with that. 

  • Financial readiness: Are you prepared for out-of-pocket medical expenses like unexpected surgeries or long-term care? And does your financial plan account for these expenses? An expert health advisor works with family offices and wealth advisors to create strategies to ensure you are covered financially. 

  • Addressing medical needs: Are you addressing all of your medical needs? Do you live in pain that can be better managed? Are you maximizing prevention and wellness strategies that are best for you? 

  • Emergency preparedness: Do you have an emergency action plan? This includes an updated medical power of attorney, a centralized health file, and an accessible list of emergency contacts. An experienced healthcare advisor plays a vital role in coordinating different aspects of emergency care, offering strategic preparation to navigate critical situations with confidence and efficiency.

Take action now

Much like a well-rounded investment portfolio, a proactive health strategy balances prevention, treatment, and emergency preparedness. Schedule your health check-in annually to ensure your well-being is aligned with your life goals.

Ready to take control of your health strategy? Let’s talk about how we can help you design a personalized care plan that works for you and your family.


