Financial Support
From crisis to stability: financial support
Sally, 52 years old, New Mexico
Sally, a resident of New Mexico, was struggling with severe depression and anxiety, leading to active suicidal thoughts. Her mental health condition required urgent attention and support.
Upon Sally's hospitalization, the discharge planner expressed concerns about sending her home as it was not deemed safe due to her suicidal tendencies. Sally needed specialized care in a mental health facility, but the top facility in the northeast didn't accept insurance and didn't code medical records for billing purposes.
Wellworth intervened to ensure Sally received the necessary care while addressing the financial obstacles. We facilitated Sally's transition from the hospital to her home, creating an interim plan to keep her safe in the meantime. Understanding the urgency of Sally's situation, we arranged for her admission to the top mental health facility in the northeast despite the financial challenges.
To overcome the financial barriers, we took proactive steps. We first coordinated with the billing company to code Sally's medical records accurately. Then, we submitted the correctly coded records to her insurance carrier and advocated for her case.
Thanks to Wellworth's intervention, Sally's insurance company approved the claim, covering the cost of her treatment, totaling $200,000. This financial support was crucial in ensuring Sally received the care she urgently needed without burdening her or her family financially. Sally's case exemplifies Wellworth's commitment to providing comprehensive support to clients facing mental health crises, addressing both their medical and financial needs to ensure their well-being and recovery.