Traveling for healthcare is a major decision. You may live in a smaller community and need to travel to find a robust medical center that suits your needs. On the other hand, you could live in New York or Los Angeles, yet the doctor you need is at a specialized hospital across the country. Either way, there are things to consider in order to mitigate health and financial risk. An expert healthcare advisor can help guide you to the best decision for your situation. If you or a loved one are evaluating treatment options, here are seven things to consider:
1. What is "local" for you?
Some people will drive a long distance to see a friend but are reluctant to drive to a doctor's appointment. If there's a great doctor in your region, seeing them is worth the effort. If it’s a long drive, invite a friend or family member along, and if you’re undergoing treatment, check with the doctor before planning to drive yourself home.
2. Take time with your decision
Choosing the best program or doctor for care often requires expert and clinical perspective. After the necessary information is collected, a decision needs to be made. Often, traveling for care can incur various costs — financial, emotional and clinical confusion. Having an expert advisor to gather information and help the family weigh the pros and cons of travel can be invaluable. If travel is chosen, coordination with the new doctor or program is crucial to ensure continuity of care. A healthcare advisor can facilitate this process by translating key medical information and helping to bridge the gap.
3. Volume matters
Studies show that the number of times a physician or hospital performs a complex surgical procedure is associated with better patient outcomes. Regardless of where you go for your care, ensure both the hospital and the physician have performed the procedure many times before.
4. Rare or complex issues often call for specialized institutions
Rare diseases have low volume by definition. Consequently, only a few physicians or centers have the requisite experience or equipment to treat these conditions. This means that patients who live in rural communities must travel to see these providers. If you have a rare condition, consider traveling to an institution that specializes in undiagnosed conditions to get the best care.
5. It never hurts to get a second (or third) opinion
Healthcare consumers don’t always have the technical knowledge to make informed choices about their own care. That’s why we turn to doctors, who study and practice for years. But don’t make your decision based on the first doctor you visit. Get a second opinion. It’s essential to talk to another physician (or two) when the health issue is complex because not all doctors treat symptoms the same way.
6. There’s no place like home
Having loved ones around can benefit patients mentally and physically. The considerations above may point you toward a plane ride, but if you are on the fence, it may make sense to go to a community hospital instead. Staying close to home, especially for long-duration care, allows your friends and family to participate in your recovery.
7. Travel and then stay put
Often, we use a top center of excellence to create the treatment plan, with local providers and hospitals executing it. This makes coordinating key information even more important, and an expert healthcare advisor can assist in this process.
If you are facing a decision about whether or not to travel for health care, an expert health advisor can help you arrange for a second opinion, explore your options, and make an informed decision. An advisor can also help patients who are unable to travel — or who prefer to stay close to home — find the best care available in their area. If you need help finding great care, or you have other questions about navigating the healthcare system, don’t hesitate to reach out.