At some point in our lives, most of us will have to deal with pain. This pain can range from the physical pain of injuries to pain from chronic migraine headaches. Pain is frightening. Will it end? Can it be managed? Not knowing the cause can create additional anxiety. To compound this, many are rightfully cautious in taking pain medication for fear of becoming addicted. Ensuring the right course of action is vital to treating the diverse range of pain, given its multidisciplinary nature.
Where to Go
Pain treatment involves various medical disciplines such as anesthesiology, neurology, physiatry, psychiatry, or internal medicine. While this multidisciplinary approach offers diverse perspectives on treatment, it can also confuse patients about where to seek help. A sports medicine doctor is often a good choice for treating physical pain, particularly injuries, given their specialized training in joint, muscle, and tendon injuries. However, when pain arises unexpectedly, a multidisciplinary approach becomes crucial. A healthcare advisor can offer essential guidance in navigating treatment options, and ensuring personalized care. They coordinate care across different specialties, providing access to appropriate treatments and therapies.
Pain Specialists
Specialized pain management experts also exist to treat chronic pain, which is pain that lasts longer than three months. Doctors like nationally renowned pain care specialist Mel Pohl, MD look at pain as a mind-body experience and use a combination of medication, physical therapy, exercise, nutrition, and behavioral health treatments to alleviate pain. He will host a Webinar with Wellworth on May 21 at 4 p.m. EST to discuss approaches to pain treatment.
Fear of addiction
Due to the opioid crisis, many are understandably cautious about taking pain medication. While these concerns are valid, it's crucial to acknowledge that there are alternative pain management strategies available. Moreover, under close supervision, pain medication can effectively alleviate pain while the body heals and therapies are administered.
Pain can be frightening, leaving us feeling vulnerable. In moments of vulnerability, we may seek the quickest solution, even if it's not the most effective one. Those living with pain are at risk of being taken advantage of. Given the complexity of pain treatment, having an expert advisor to quarterback care becomes indispensable.