Because healthcare is wealthcare

We advise family offices and their clients on critical, complex healthcare issues that require — and deserve — discreet, bespoke advice.

Expand your access to quality care

We offer our time, connections, and expertise at every point in the healthcare journey:

  • Managing new diagnoses

  • Locating best-in-class providers

  • Arranging elder care

  • Assessing treatment options

  • Providing second-opinion services

  • Identifying top-tier health plans

  • Finding emergency caregivers

  • Managing chronic illness

  • Guiding through substance abuse

  • Supporting mental health

Healthcare advice that mitigates risk. Independent, unbiased.

  • Holistic Approach

    Because most healthcare needs are complex, we advise on all aspects: insurance, physical and behavioral health, and addiction treatment.

  • Multi-Disciplinary Experts

    Our diverse team vastly expands your access to best-in-class healthcare, regardless of where you live or who you know.

  • Better Outcomes

    We facilitate the seamless sharing of important information so nothing falls through the cracks.

Advisory packages

Retainers start at:
$30,000: 50 hours at $600 per hour
$55,000: 100 hours at $550 per hour

Retainers starting at $7,200 | 12 hours

Our mission

We discreetly steer you towards the best possible outcomes, minimizing healthcare and financial risk.