Because healthcare is wealthcare
We advise family offices and their clients on critical, complex healthcare issues that require — and deserve — discreet, bespoke advice.
Expand your access to quality care
We offer our time, connections, and expertise at every point in the healthcare journey:
Managing new diagnoses
Locating best-in-class providers
Arranging elder care
Assessing treatment options
Providing second-opinion services
Identifying top-tier health plans
Finding emergency caregivers
Managing chronic illness
Guiding through substance abuse
Supporting mental health
Healthcare advice that mitigates risk. Independent, unbiased.
Holistic Approach
Because most healthcare needs are complex, we advise on all aspects: insurance, physical and behavioral health, and addiction treatment.
Multi-Disciplinary Experts
Our diverse team vastly expands your access to best-in-class healthcare, regardless of where you live or who you know.
Better Outcomes
We facilitate the seamless sharing of important information so nothing falls through the cracks.
Advisory packages
Our retainer services are customized to fit each client’s specific requirements. Contact us at to learn more.
Our mission
We discreetly steer you towards the best possible outcomes, minimizing healthcare and financial risk.